
Siegfried Franke

Siegfried Franke studied in Melbourne with Dr June Nixon and in London with Richard Popplewell.  An Associate of the Royal College of Organists and a Fellow of the Trinity College of Music, London, he is a sought-after accompanist, having worked with most of Melbourne’s finest choirs and soloists, whilst maintaining a high profile as an organ recitalist throughout Melbourne and beyond.

Siegfried was appointed Parish Organist in 2001.  In addition to his work at Christ Church, he is Sub-Organist and a member of the Cathedral Choir at St Paul’s Cathedral (Melbourne), teaches music at Trinity Grammar School and is the school organist and accompanist.  He is a member of the Victorian Board of the Royal School of Church Music, and is regularly appointed Festival Organist for their National Summer Schools.

Siegfried at the organ console of St Paul's Cathedral Melbourne playing Fanfare by Richard Purvis