Christ Church Music Foundation

The Choir is supported by the Christ Church Music Foundation, which provides and maintains musical instruments for the Parish’s use (including the magnificent Kenneth Jones Organ installed in 1998, and a fine grand piano), and a number of honorariums for the musicians of the Parish. These payments are commensurate with (although generally slightly higher than) those offered by similar parish organisations in Australia, and are usually offered to professional musicians with the desire and potential to be leading forces within the Parish’s musical life.  The strong musical program at Christ Church South Yarra could not continue without the active support of the Christ Church Music Foundation and the generosity of its donors. Special events and concerts are held each year (as advertised) in support of the Foundation. Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible.

Copies of professionally produced live recordings are available for $20 (AUD) through the Parish Office.

  • Music for Advent
  • Live Music at Christ Church South Yarra, Vol. 1
    - Festival of Christ the King (2014):
      Credomesse in C major, KV 257 - Mozart
      Contique de Jean Racine, Op. 11 - Fauré
    - Commemoration of All Souls (2014):
      Requiem in D minor, Op. 48 -  Fauré
  • Live Music at Christ Church South Yarra, Vol. 2
    - A Service of Nine Lessons & Carols (2015):
      In memoriam of the Late Sir David Willcocks
      (this recording is also available on memory stick)